Why it’s safer to engage a Public Relations agency than to do it yourself (as a startup)

It’s the age of information, where everyone and their dog seems to be an expert on everything nowadays - but some things are better left to the experts. 

You wouldn’t build your own car based on instructions from the internet, or try to set a broken bone via how-to videos. In the same vein, if you value your company’s image, you shouldn’t attempt to do PR on your own unless you really know what you’re doing.

Here’s why:

  1. Lack of Expertise: PR is a complex and specialised field that requires a deep understanding of media relations, crisis management, content creation, and digital marketing. Without the necessary expertise, you may struggle to develop and execute an effective PR strategy.

  2. Time-Consuming: PR requires a significant investment of time, energy, and resources to research, plan, and execute. As a business owner or manager, you may already have a full plate of responsibilities, and adding PR to the mix can be overwhelming and distracting.

  3. Limited Resources: If you're doing PR by yourself, you may not have access to the same resources and tools that a professional PR agency has, such as media databases, social listening tools, and industry connections.

  4. Risk of Mistakes: PR mistakes can be costly and damaging to your brand reputation. Without the guidance and expertise of a PR professional, you may make mistakes in messaging, media outreach, crisis management, or social media engagement that could harm your business. 

  5. Inconsistent Messaging: Consistency is key to effective PR. Without a clear and consistent message, you may confuse or alienate your target audience, which can harm your brand reputation and sales.

By partnering with a professional PR agency, you can access their expertise, resources, and industry connections to develop and execute a comprehensive and effective PR strategy that aligns with your business goals and values. 

That’s where DIFY comes in. With our experience and resources, we are able to navigate the complicated media landscape to deliver entertaining, highly-informative news articles to many publications, ensuring that you will be well known amongst your target audience.


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