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How to Develop Content Pillars for Social Media Strategy

Ready to take your social media strategy to the next level? We’ve got just the thing for you – a blog post all about developing content pillars for a successful social media strategy. Trust us, this is going to be a game-changer! 

Having strong and consistent content on your social media platforms is key. That’s where content pillars come in. Content pillars are like the foundation of your entire social media presence. They are core topics or themes that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience. By organising and guiding your content around these pillars, you’ll create an engaging and cohesive online presence. Think of it as building different rooms in a house – each room represents one pillar while still being part of the same structure (your brand). 

This approach ensures that every piece of content you create serves a purpose within those overarching themes. So why are these pillars so important? Well, they help establish consistency across all platforms by directing what kind of posts you should create regularly. Plus, they make it easier for new followers and loyal fans to understand what value they can expect from following along. Ready to dive deeper into how exactly you can develop effective content pillars? Stay tuned because we’re about to break down everything step-by-step in this blog post!

What are Content Pillars?
Content pillars, also known as content buckets, are core themes or topics that serve as the foundation for your social media strategy. They guide the creation of content, ensuring it aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience. Think of content pillars as the different rooms in a house: each room serves a unique purpose but contributes to the overall structure.

Why are Content Pillars Important?
Well, they help establish consistency across all platforms by giving direction to what kind of posts you should be creating regularly. Plus, they make it easier for new followers and loyal fans to understand what value they can expect from following along.

Identifying Your Brand’s Core Topics
When it comes to establishing your brand’s identity and creating valuable content, identifying core topics is crucial. A brainstorming session is a great way to kickstart this process. Take some time to reflect on your niche or industry and think about potential core topics that align with your brand. By exploring different angles and perspectives, you can uncover unique ideas that will set you apart from your competitors. It’s important to stay true to your brand’s values and objectives while brainstorming. 

Here are 3 tips on how to come up with unique ideas for brainstorming content pillars:

1. Brainstorm: Identify areas in which you are an expert and what topics your frequently asked questions fall under. Come up with roughly five or so “buckets” or content pillars for your brand and write them down. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about what you like to talk about, but what your audience or potential audience could be curious about when it comes to what you offer. 

2. Investigate your competition: Check out your competition to get a feel for what’s topical and popular in your niche. This can help you identify gaps in the market and areas where you can differentiate yourself. 

3. Run polls: Ask your audience what they’d like to see. This can help you create content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.

Narrowing Down Your Content Pillars
Narrowing down your content pillars to solve audience pain points is crucial when it comes to creating valuable content.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing your content pillars:

Define Target Audience Personas
Defining target audience personas is a crucial step in selecting relevant content pillars for your brand. Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviours of your target audience allows you to create content that truly resonates with them. By defining target audience personas, you can identify their pain points, interests, and motivations, which will help you craft content that addresses their specific needs. This understanding serves as a foundation for choosing content pillars that will attract and engage your desired audience effectively.

Choosing Relevant Themes & Categories
Choosing relevant themes and categories is another important aspect of narrowing down your content pillars. It is essential to select themes and categories that not only align with your brand but also resonate with your target audience. The themes and categories you choose should reflect the interests, values, and aspirations of your audience. By doing so, you can create content that captures their attention and establishes a connection with your brand. The key is to strike a balance between your brand’s objectives and the interests of your target audience to ensure that your content is both impactful and meaningful to them.

Creating Subtopics within Each Content Pillar
So, when you’re diving into social media marketing, it’s key to have a solid plan in place for your content, right? And one way to organize all those content ideas is to create content pillars. These are the main topics or themes you’ll be focusing on for your social media, whether it’s educational stuff, behind-the-scenes looks, or customer testimonials, you name it. But here’s the thing – within each of those content pillars, you can totally break it down even further by creating subtopics. This helps keep your content strategy fresh and diverse, while still staying on brand. So, let’s say one of your pillars is all about how-to guides. Within that, you could have subtopics like beginner tips, advanced techniques, or product-specific hacks. See what I’m saying? By organizing your content this way, you’re not only making it easier to plan and create, but you’re also ensuring that your audience is getting a well-rounded experience with your social media content. It’s a win-win!

By leveraging these benefits, you can create a more engaging and effective social media presence that supports your content pillars and aligns with your brand’s goals.