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How Social Media Has Changed How We Do Business

From the early days of Twitter and Facebook to the countless platforms available today, social media has unquestionably transformed the world.

Whether it’s how you communicate with your audience or increasing the extent of your reach, social media has changed the way we do business forever. 

Let’s talk about how it has changed the business world – small businesses!

Easier Access to Consumers

When your only options were television commercials and print ads, reaching your consumers in their homes took a lot of work and effort. 

Now, with the help of social media, all you need is a cell phone and a platform!

Small business owners can now produce quality content that used to take an entire art department of experts. With apps like Canva, you can easily create beautiful graphics, and iPhones are now taking pictures that rival high-quality cameras. 

As easy as it is to create content, It’s even easier to get it in front of your audience.

Most people scroll through their social apps multiple times a day. With the proper targeting and an optimised social media presence, they will likely come across your content. 

Greater Visibility

Thanks to social media, it’s also easier to get your goods or services into the hands of consumers worldwide.

For example, a small clothing boutique used to be limited to the walk-in and word-of-mouth traffic it received. Now, with the help of Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, it can easily reach customers near and far.  Using hashtags and targeted ads will expose your business to a new audience and increase your visibility. Better visibility will usually lead to more sales. I can’t think of many people who haven’t bought something after seeing an Instagram or TikTok ad!

Better Collaboration Opportunities

Not only is it easier to increase your visibility with customers, but it’s also a great way to connect with other business owners. 

When you come across a business you want to work with, building that relationship can be as easy as sliding into their DMs. It creates the ability to quickly form a community of supportive business owners to bounce ideas off of or work together on a project or sale.

Collaboration with other businesses increases your visibility and sales and can spark more creativity amongst brands.

Business ownership can be lonely, so why not connect with other hard-working entrepreneurs? 

Stronger Connections with Your Audience
Social media allows you to humanise your brand and business. Your audience gets to see and know the people they’re working with.

This makes them feel more connected to you. The more connected they feel to your business, the more committed they are to seeing you succeed.

To drive that connection:

  1. Be sure always to include a call-to-action in your posts.

  2. Give them a reason to interact with your business.

Quick Customer Service
Social media also makes it easier for you to provide timely customer service. Being on social media gives your customers more opportunities and platforms to reach you. 

To eliminate the time you spend replying to social media, consider setting up an automation or chatbot that can be programmed to answer your most frequently asked questions.

Social media has changed so much about the world we live in today. Rather than focusing on its negative aspects, immerse yourself in its positive aspects. Think of how social media has helped your business grow, and think of strategies you can use to continue your growth in the future. 

Remember, if you ever need help navigating this new small business area, feel free to email us at enquiries@dify.sg!